PASSPORT provides an in-home alternative to nursing home care for those 60 and over. Services available include homemaker, transportation, personal care services, home-delivered meals, emergency response systems, adult day services, and case management. PASSPORT is also referred to as Ohio's home and community based Medicaid-waiver program for older adults. To be eligible, a person must be 60 years of age or older, meet both the financial requirements and have qualifying ADL/IADL functional impairments, as well as other admission criteria. PASSPORT is available in all eight counties serviced by the COAAA.
In addition, those who are eligible for PASSPORT receive a Medicaid card to cover the cost of medications and health care.
In addition, those who are eligible for PASSPORT receive a Medicaid card to cover the cost of medications and health care.
For additional information, please call the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging (614) 645-7250 or (800) 589-7277.